Many businesses these days are interested in sustainable procurement. Sustainable procurement is about taking environmental and social factors into account when making purchasing decisions. It involves thinking about what the products are made of, how they were made, where they come from and who has made them.
The aim of sustainable procurement is to lessen the negative environmental impact of the products we buy.
One way businesses can show their commitment to sustainable procurement is by buying goods made from plastic that has been recycled (when they need the goods anyway). You may be surprised at the range of recycled goods from plastic that are available on the market these days and the environmental and economic benefits they can bring.
With organisations under increasing pressure to affirm their commitment to the efficient use of natural resources and waste avoidance, attitudes to purchasing products made from recovered materials are changing.
A recent business survey by a product manufacturer into sustainable procurement revealed some interesting insights. Almost 90% of those surveyed were managing procurement to some level of sustainable policy or standard, and over 50% admitted recycled plastic played a key role.
Although over 80% considered the market for products from plastics that have been recycled a growth area, only 40% currently purchase products made from the material. Over 40% of those that haven’t purchased any recycled plastic products said that if they knew a little more about it, and could be persuaded the quality had improved, they would definitely consider it for any future requirements.
The Benefits of Recycled Goods from Plastic
- Environmental responsibility – Recycled products are manufactured from plastics that would otherwise have gone to landfill.
- Labour cost savings – In the long-term your business stands to make significant savings on maintenance, repair and replacement costs as recycled plastic products are so durable.
- Reduce criminal damage – Recycled plastic is more resistant to graffiti and other vandalism than traditional materials.
- Product longevity – Recycled plastics are more crack proof, insect resistant, UV tolerant, splinter free, resistant to rot and algae and less flammable than traditional alternatives. Recycled plastic products have a life expectancy at least 4 times that of traditional materials.
Goods Available
You may be surprised at the range of goods that are available. Below are just a few examples of the types of products you can buy. If you are thinking of buying a plastic product, look up first whether it is available in recycled form.
Sample products include:
- Recycled signs
- Tables
- Bollards
- Benches
- Fencing
- Decking
Why not investigate how recycled plastics could help with your sustainable procurement policy.