Tips for Limiting Sugar When Shopping
A label may not actually come right out and say it contains sugar because that would be too simple but that does not mean it does not actually have sugar in it. Some ingredients that are listed on labels and actually have sugar include amazake, carob powder, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, evaporated cane juice, honey, and maltose. It is important to try to limit foods high in these ingredients or to avoid them altogether whenever possible. One way you can do is by buying tea bags or unsweetened tea instead of pop. It will provide you with the antioxidants you need and help your heart and it may even lower risk for diabetes.
Another way to avoid loading up on sugar when shopping is to buy nonfat, unsweetened, plain yogurt and mix in your own fruit and nuts later. This will help you to cut down on saturated fat, and …
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