Going Green and Niching – How Product Managers Survive Decline

The economic downturn doesn’t last forever, but the boy-oh-boy was hurt when they happened! I am not sure about your product, but my customers who have consulted with me are all trying to find ways to make their products easier for their customers to buy. Are you interested in a few tips on how to do this?
Green Power
We all know that all other things being equal, most customers will choose products that are environmentally friendly (“green products”) than others. Product managers are currently looking for ways to make their products greener to increase sales during difficult economic times.
I believe this all seems very basic to you; However, the real trick for a product manager is exactly HOW you do this. It turns out that there are three things you need to do for your product:
Offer a Broader Range of Green Services: If you suddenly appear and …
Going Green and Niching – How Product Managers Survive Decline Read More