Going Green and Niching – How Product Managers Survive Decline


The economic downturn doesn’t last forever, but the boy-oh-boy was hurt when they happened! I am not sure about your product, but my customers who have consulted with me are all trying to find ways to make their products easier for their customers to buy. Are you interested in a few tips on how to do this?

Green Power

We all know that all other things being equal, most customers will choose products that are environmentally friendly (“green products”) than others. Product managers are currently looking for ways to make their products greener to increase sales during difficult economic times.

I believe this all seems very basic to you; However, the real trick for a product manager is exactly HOW you do this. It turns out that there are three things you need to do for your product:

Offer a Broader Range of Green Services: If you suddenly appear and …

Going Green and Niching – How Product Managers Survive Decline Read More
An Online Retailer's Dream - How to Find a Reliable Wholesaler!

An Online Retailer’s Dream – How to Find a Reliable Wholesaler!

Online and traditional retailers are mostly buying from wholesalers. Recognizing the added value of getting supplies from wholesalers, retailers in whatever mold are now highly motivated in their search for dependable and established wholesale practitioners. How and where to find trusted wholesalers is fast becoming a common interest shared by both established players and neophytes in the retail industry.

Those who are about to start a retail business are called upon to conduct a study of the particular business they planning to put up. Prospective retailers simply cannot risk hard-earned money just to satisfy their thirst for the business world. Naturally, these newcomers are asking questions most of which can best be answered by business textbooks. But one very important question that really begs for an answer is: How and where to look for dependable wholesalers.

Because of high demand, wholesalers do come aplenty. With their increasing number, the search …

An Online Retailer’s Dream – How to Find a Reliable Wholesaler! Read More

Smart Shopping Tips For The Bargain Hunter

It seems to be the time that everyone is looking for ways to save money. Even when it appears that prices are going up constantly, people can find bargains; they just have to know how to make them happen. These smart shopping tips will make saving money during shopping trips much easier for people.

Sometimes crowds prevent people from receiving the best deals. In order to avoid crowds, try never to shop on payday such as the 15th and the 30th of each month. These days are when people have money and they are ready to spend it. A better time would be in the middle of the week, but not right after work. Right after work is when everyone has decided it is time to go grocery shopping, for example.

Another obvious time not to go shopping is right before a holiday celebration. Lots of people are …

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Cash Saving Tips grocery shopping tips healthy

grocery shopping tips on a budgetGrocery purchasing on a budget and trying to provide healthier food for your family members can be a challenging proposition. By adding whole foods such as beans, wild rice, brown rice, and other whole staples to your grocery purchasing list, you keep away from the lures that Grocery stores put out their to bait shoppers into acquiring higher-price things. Manufacturers pay grocery retailers to “position meals on the shelves” so that they are at eye-level realizing this is the greatest spot to entice much more sales (they place snacks kids really like at the child’s eye-level as nicely). By employing a list of very nutritious foods, you will naturally avoid these lures.Cash Saving Tips grocery shopping tips healthy

We all love our kids and our spouses, but lets face it, they can bring chaos to our grocery shopping trips. They have a knack for obtaining us to cave in to unhealthy …

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Buying Guidelines At The Grocery Retailer healthy supermarket shopping tips

grocery shopping tips on a budgetI like to go grocery buying with my boys. Make it a habit to prepare a grocery list. Write down the things that you genuinely require. Be strict with your self and strike out superfluous things. Your grocery list will steer you away from pointless purchases as lengthy as you stick to the list you have created. This routine will only take a tiny of your time every week but the benefits can be substantial.

1 wonderful way to discover coupons is to check out web sites that enables customers to print them. The World wide web has produced it considerably less difficult for folks to clip coupons. Now, consumers do not have to go by way of newspapers to discover some that they can use. Customers can now find numerous of them on these web sites for their favorite stores and print them out …

Buying Guidelines At The Grocery Retailer healthy supermarket shopping tips Read More