How to Avoid Being Greenwashed

Going green is more than just a fad. This has become a way of life for many people, and they are taking steps to reduce energy consumption, save fresh water, and recycle paper, plastic, and glass items. The focus on green living does not escape the attention of companies, both large and small. Businesses of all types are looking for ways to promote their products and services as “green” and “environmentally friendly.”
Some of these designations have substance behind it. For example, equipment and products such as light bulbs that get EnergyStar designation meet energy efficiency standards validated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Replacing an older refrigerator, freezer or washing machine with a newer EnergyStar is a smart move, saving you significant electricity over the life of the appliance.
Claims of other environmentally friendly products are less reliable and their value is more difficult to assess. Some of these …
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